RC Bot’s Books

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The Case of the Rebel Girl

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The Case of the Rebel Girl is the first installment from a series which has as protagonists Gunther Petraeus and Angela Fletcher.

Gunther Petraeus has a talent in finding people. One way or another, as he likes to say. Meaning dead or alive. He’s a mercenary, a former army officer that founded with his friends a company specialized in logistics and security.

Angela Fletcher is a young computer geek that has issues keeping her jobs and when the story starts, she lives back at her mom’s with her two sisters.

Gunther Petraeus got back from a mission in Africa and he’s asked by his boss to take Angela Fletcher as an assistant. Not that Gunther needs an assistant, because he and his boss are friends of Angela’s father.

Gunther and Angela have to find Susan Rostenkowski, who disappeared without a trace.

Susan is a rebel girl. She does a lot of bad stuff and has this habit of using people and make enemies.

The Man Who Poked the Wrong Bear

Meredith Amos is an investigative writer. Everything goes fine for ​Meredith. He found success, with a book about mercenaries and ​their shady business in Iraq. What can go wrong?

It’s midnight. Meredith is entering his office to work at his book. ​A man sits at his desk reading on his laptop. This is not good. ​The man is mercenary, and he was arrested because of Meredith’s ​first book. Meredith Amos goes missing.

Gunther Petraeus gets hired by Meredith Amos’ sister to find ​him. Not an easy task. Meredith Amos is a man who keeps ​poking the wrong bear.

The book should be available on Amazon and Draft2Digital on ​October 15, 2024.

Murder in the Canary Cage

Work in progress!!!

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About Me

I’m a writer when I have time to spare. I know, I should write about myself in a third person to appear more serious. Not that I’m not serious about writing or about myself. Oh, believe me I am. I’m past inhibition and modesty and want to make people go beyond these pages and read what I wrote in my pastime. I really hope the eventual readers will like the books and the articles I write.

If I’m here, I guess I have to write something about myself. There is not much to say apart that I love to wander my imagination and invent stories since I was a kid. Once I learned to write, I fancy myself as being a writer. I wrote a few books, but I’m terribly slow when to polish them after the first draft.

2023 is the year when I settle in a small village in Transylvania and rediscovered the motivation to write almost daily. Not always on my books. For that part, I started a substack - Notes from Transylvania.